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Features / Analytics

Instantly view and analyse call data for your entire team with call analytics

Call analytics is included with CircleLoop at no extra cost. Instantly view important call data for your whole team. Why pay extra for it?

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call analytics

Powerful call analytics software to improve reporting for your business

CircleLoop automatically logs and reports all call activity across your team. You’ll be able to identify your most prolific users, most dialled numbers, missed call patterns or overall team performance. You’ll find everything you need to know in the CircleLoop Analytics panel.

You gain access to our call analysis as soon as you get your account and at no extra charge. Call data analytics can be accessed directly in CircleLoop for all customers, even if you’re using one of our powerful tool integrations.

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Instant admin control and access to call data

As a CircleLoop admin you can access the Analytics panel at any time and filter call activity results by date to provide the information that you need to keep your team on track. Identify the number dialled and call durations instantly and even listen back to call recordings if necessary. Filter by User, Number and Team to get the insights you need to drive your business forward without disrupting the rest of your team.

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analytics dashboard

What’s included in our call analytics dashboard?

CircleLoop’s call data analysis show gives you an overview of:

  • Real-time custom dashboards
  • Total calls
  • Inbound, outbound & missed calls
  • Calls by number
  • Calls by user
  • Calls by team
  • Call duration
  • Instant access to call recordings
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make every call count

Call centre analytics

Having an overview of your contact centre call activity is essential to keeping it running smoothly. Spotting your top performers, or the people struggling but still making an effort to make calls, can help you spread work out more effectively across your team.

Use call centre data analysis to improve your call quality, and couple it with our call recording to train your team.You’ll be able to see just how hard your remote teams are working too, with a complete overview of all their call data at your fingertips.

Learn more about call recording.

Amazing features

More than just call data analysis software

Klik om te Bellen

Gebruik onze Chrome-, Firefox- en Edge-extensies om te bellen door op een nummer te klikken

Direct je nummer instellen

Elk telefoonnummer is direct klaar voor gebruik

Gepersonaliseerde voicemail

Persoonlijke begroetingen voor gebruikers en teams en mogelijkheid tot doorschakeling

Voicemail naar sms/e-mail

Voicemailberichten kunnen worden verzonden naar jouw activiteitenfeed of e-mail

Dynamische nummerweergave

Kies het telefoonnummer waarmee je wilt bellen

Belgroep instellen

Maak een belgroep aan en stuur inkomende oproepen direct door naar de juiste personen


Beheer inkomende oproepen per nummer, gebruiker of team

Oproepen Doorschakelen

Stuur inkomende oproepen naar mobiele telefoons of andere vaste nummers

Call analysis to take your other tools even further

Analytics gives you a top down view of every call that’s made to or from a CircleLoop number, even if it’s through your other platforms.

Heb je vragen?

Veel Gestelde Vragen

Bekijk hier de meest gestelde vragen en aarzel niet om contact met ons op te nemen als je nog vragen hebt

What is call analytics?

Call analytics is the means of collecting data about the calls made in and out of a business. It includes the number of calls made, taken, missed or ones that go to voicemail. Call analytics also give you data on the call maker or receiver.

What call data is included?

Our call analytics platform gives you data on, Total number of calls (inbound, outbound & missed), Call durations and Response times. You can use this data to calculate the effectiveness of users or your team.

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